New work and play shops this summer!

Get to Know The Flow

Flowskool started as a small poetry program in the Southern California desert, aiming to help young people find and follow their Voice. Working without walls or desks, we transformed the environment into a space of creative expression and self-discovery. It soon became obvious that this was beyond poetry and began facilitating Flowskool sessions in schools, churches, and businesses. Currently, we conduct 'Flow sessions' for groups and individuals using 'creativedgeYOUcation' to help customers answer the question: Whodafru? Who da Flow Are You?

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building

Our mission

Flowskool's mission is to change the way learning works by embracing mistakes and imperfection. Rather than rote teaching and 'right answers', Flowskool uses the lost technology of Play and Imagination to help clients unlock new ways of thinking, honor their unique style of learning, and encourage creativity by being okay with 'messing up.'

Our vision

We want to live in a world where people can find and follow their Flow through creative expression and fulfillment. Where being human is an art and not a problem to fix. That's why we take a lot of time and care in getting to know our clients from the moment they reach out to us and ask for our help.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting